Friday, October 24, 2008

The First Blog Post

So I am considering starting a blog.

I know that almost all my friends have told me that they love the weird things that I cook up for them. Most of the time they are based on some sort of recipe that I modified to suit my particular tastes but when I am home alone or with people that I live with the gloves come off and the true innovation begins. I am not going to lie, sometimes the food tastes terrible but a lot of the time the foodventions come out edible at the least, sometimes delicious.

This leads me to the blog point. I have a camera, I have new things that most people have not tried, I have the makings of a blog that two or three of my friends may want to read!

The blog would be called Adventures with Foodventions and would be a photodocumentary and guide to making things that I find to be delicious.

As a little taste (ahha a pun! This gets better by the moment) I present to you:

Mexican Potato Burrito Doohicky

It all started late one evening just after baking up a couple of small potatoes for a rather bland meal. They sat on a plate like little brown pieces of mockery and I imagined faces on them and helpless screams as my fork made quick work of smashing them into a starchy mess. The white and brown paste and finally silenced screams didn't really drive me to hunger.
Potato Burrito
I cracked open the fridge and said, what can I put on this mess to make it not taste like potatoes. Sour cream, nah, had that last night. Cheese, yeah, but more is needed. Green Olives, only on Mexican potatoes, heh, that would taste terrible. Or would it? I have Mexican seasonings in my cupboard, I have green olives, I have potatoes, I have some burrito shells, I think it's time to make some Mexican Potato Burrito's. I mixed a bunch of spices into the potatoes but it still looked like crap.
Potato Burrito
What is missing, what is missing?... I know frying, everything is better with frying. As I dump some olive oil into a pan
Potato Burrito
I realize that if I am going to be frying something I should at least be frying up a bit of a Spanish onion.
Potato Burrito
I turn off the burner and wack up a bit of Spanish onion.
Potato Burrito
As I put the onion back in the fridge I notice the mushrooms. Yeah, why not. They all go into the pan, flames lick the bottom of the pan and the onion mushroom mess begins to sizzle.
Potato Burrito
A perfect opportunity to screw with the settings on my camera present themselves and I get quickly absorbed in that task for a while. I pull myself back into the task at hand in time to stir the nearly done onion mushroom mess around. Perfect! Just this side of burned.
Potato Burrito
There is some onion and mushroom brown gooie goodness on the bottom of the pan which means liquid is needed (this my friends is why you should never, ever, ever, use a non-stick pan). I pour in about half a cup of water, get all the goo off the bottom of the pan. Then I dump the potatoes on top and stir.
Potato Burrito
Presto, a mix of stuff that looks exactly the same now as it will when I pass it from my system.
Potato Burrito
Screwing my eyes closed, I take a tentative bite of the gloop before me. Wow, it actually tastes pretty good. I dump the mess onto a warm tortilla shell, add some of that sour cream I was talking about earlier and some shredded cheddar and colby-jack cheese.
Potato Burrito
I finalize the burrito by wraping it up tight and taking a big delicious bite.
Potato Burrito
I managed to forget the impetus for the entire project, green olives, but all in all Mexican Potato Burrito turns out to be a success. Since it was insanely cheap to construct I have plans for future burritos.

A word of warning! As you can see by the mess made on my stove this is going to need a bigger frying pan that I used! Second, sorry about the darkness of the pictures; my kitchen is quite poorly lit and the flash on my camera blows. I will have to get some more lighting for my kitchen if I actually keep this up.

Possible additions:
Salsa - added just before the potatoes to give it a chance to warm up.
Green Olives - crush some up and sprinkle them on top of the burrito before you wrap it up.
Lettuce - give a little health to the carb bomb you are about to consume.
Peppers - everything is better with peppers, my preference would be for some green and orange peppers sauteed with the onions.
Garlic (?) - not really sure how this would go, my gut says good thing, but I have been wrong about adding garlic to things before (garlic jam, not so good with peanut butter).
Veggies - some assorted veggies would make great filler, corn always goes well with Mexican food, spinach for a filler you can't taste, the possibilities are endless.

Serving Size - 2 people? I managed to eat two burritos and get crazy full with about half the mush left.
Prep Time - 15min
Cooking Time - 1hr 15min (1hr for the potatoes)
1/4 Spanish Onion, large diced
1 Flour tortilla shell, came in a package
1/4 cup Sharp Cheddar, shredded
1/4 cup Colby-Jack, shredded
2 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup Mushrooms, sliced
2 small potatoes, baked one hour 350 degrees, then smashed with a fork while imagining them as small potato people
2 tbsp Sour cream
2 tbsp Mexican seasoning (cumin, paprika, chili powder, oregano, dash of cayenne pepper, dash of crushed red pepper, dash of ground cilantro) I usually just kind of throw it all together in a spice jar and shake it up and use it until it runs out. I haven't done that yet since I moved, so this is a generic packet of Taco Seasoning.

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