Monday, January 5, 2009

General Tso's Chicken

After a failed attempt to eat Chinese food--or at least the closest approximation you can get around here--I decided to hit the kitchen and make my favorite fake Chinese dish, General Tso's Chicken.

First up we need to take the chicken and get it ready for the eating. To do this we are going to need a good breading. In the past I have always used flour and salt in a bag, but for this dish I wanted to step it up a notch.

We start out by taking two or three breasts of chicken and cutting it up into nice bite sized chunks of awesome.

General Tso's Chicken

Next we take eggs and cornstarch and mix them together. I used two eggs and about a 1/4 of a cup of cornstarch. Add some salt and pepper to taste.

General Tso's Chicken

Your mix should be something around the consistency of snot at this point. Then pour the gooie egg snot over the top of all your chicken and mix it up nice. Take this plate of food and set it aside for around 15-20 minutes or so until it gets thick and sticks to the chicken.

General Tso's Chicken

While you are waiting for the stuff to stick to the chicken get the rest of the dish prepared. Start out by chopping up some peppers. At the time of writing I only had green pepper types, but red peppers will make your dish look and taste a bit more like a restaurants.

General Tso's Chicken

In addition to the peppers you will need to make the sauce. I put in around 1/3 cup soy sauce, 6 cloves minced garlic, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1/4 cup hoisin sauce, and 1 tablespoon wine. I used generic hoisin sauce that I bought at the grocery store.

General Tso's Chicken

Now that you have chicken, sauce, and peppers you are almost ready to add a whole lot of grease to the mix.

Take a plate and put a few cups of cornstarch on it. Then take your chicken, make sure it is covered in egg sauce, then roll it around in the cornstarch until it is covered.

General Tso's Chicken

General Tso's Chicken

Next, grab a nice deep pan, or wok and add oil. I used vegetable oil but peanut oil would be better. I just poured it in until it got about an inch deep, basically you want it to cover around half of a piece of chicken. Then put the chicken in the pan, one piece at a time, until the pan is full. You don't want the chicken to be touching or it will stick together.

General Tso's Chicken

When the chicken starts to brown on one side flip it over.

General Tso's Chicken

After it gets brown on both sides take the chicken out of the pan and let it drain on paper towels.

General Tso's Chicken

Your chicken should look (and taste) almost exactly like chicken nuggets.

Pour the grease out of the pan, but leave just a bit left on the bottom. Throw in all the sauce and chilies and stir it up nice.

General Tso's Chicken

Just keep stirring the sauce until it turns into a glaze-like consistency. Once the sauce is ready put the chicken into the pan and stir it until the sauce is evenly coated on the chicken.

General Tso's Chicken

Cutting up some green onions then putting them into the sauce just at the end here would be a nice touch, but I didn't have any...

Serve with some rice and broccoli for a fantastic meal!

General Tso's Chicken

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