Sunday, November 22, 2009

Open Letter to People at the Grocery Store

Dear people at the grocery store,

I am glad you have tasty snacks prepared for my enjoyment. If I was dying to try 1/4 of a frozen ravioli that had been microwaved in a small paper cup, I am sure I could manage that feat at home. I am after all in a grocery store, and not in the beer isle, so there is a high probability I can at least microwave things. The first time I walked by and said no thank you, I thought you would understand. The second time (I forgot butter) your insistence was annoying. The third time (what? I can cook not remember everything) I knew you recognized me from the knowing look in your eyes, but you asked me once again. I would like to let you in on a little secret. When I am shopping by myself, and I am wearing headphones (nice expensive noise canceling headphones), this is not an invitation to talk louder. Nor is it an invitation to wave your arms about like a loony (although I kind of liked that). Lastly, it is certainly not my way of saying "get in my way so I have to pay attention to you." Why, oh why, would you do that?

Since I am at it, people who shop with kids, I don't like them. In an effort to help you understand how annoying your kids are to other people I would like to have you perform a small experiment. Take your fire alarm, and tape or glue the test button in the "on" position. Now while that siren is going off just start punching yourself in the face. That is what your children are like to the rest of us. This doesn't even have to apply to the grocery store alone. Anywhere you are--with your kids--remember the face punching and keep them out of my way or I may be forced to microwave them and serve them to other customers in small paper cups.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why are there directions?

If you are too stupid to use the paper ass gaskets without pictorial directions I propose you may be too stupid to avoid pooping yourself on a regular basis.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Amazon sad

This morning I went to to buy a book and was shocked to see it on my recommended list. Then I realized all my recommended readings are statistics texts and psychometrics texts...

I am deeply happy and shamed...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Porn Statistics!

I love it when people combine my two favorite things; Statistics and Internet Videos...

Porn Statistics!

Posting from the bathroom AKA why internet on a phone rocks

It has been nearly a month since I got the internet on my phone and let me say wow I am loving this. For example I am not only on the internet posting a blog but also in the bathroom. Yesterday I uploaded some torrents to my homebox while shopping...

Where does the craziness end? why d035 my ph0n3 h4v3 4n 4U70m47Ic 133r 5133k 8U770n?

With the power of my phone I plan on actually updating this blog....

Samurai Diner

I love Halloween, hangover eggs and Samurai...

Hiring women in 1943

1943 Transportation Magazine excerpt

I particularly liked the part about "husky" girls...