Sunday, June 30, 2013


One of the most influential Mayan ruins sites is in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. Apparently, it's very important as it was one of the centers of the Mayan culture and where they did all their astronomical calculations. Although most of the site isn't revealed yet it offers you a nice way to see a jungle then ruins.

If/when you go see Palenque there are some things to be aware of. One, it is a big tourist location so people will try and rip you off. We were lead astray by the woman at our hotel into buying a "package" to tour the ruins only to find it was basically just a chauffeur service. You can get a shuttle from Palenque City to the ruins for a couple of peso's then get a tour guide at the entrance (highly recommended, our tour guide was awesome and we learned a lot).

Anyway on with the photos!

Once we made it to Palenque we started off with about an hour long tour on the jungle region around the ruins.

The jungle is absolutely gorgeous. We didn't even run into any mosquitoes!

The ficus here actually starts in the canopy and drops down the tree to the ground completely encasing the tree as it goes.

Red means delicious not poisonous.

Nitivia giving us her best Jane of the Jungle impression.

These little bastards actually have little hairs that drive the thorns deeper into your skin and help the plant resist being removed.

After we got through the jungle we made it to the Mayan ruins.

The first glimpse of the ruins as we leave the jungle.

The hill in the background isn't actually a hill but a ruin that has yet to be excavated.

Someone couldn't wait to get back to the hotel to sleep.

From the top of one of the ruins.

Hold my purse, I have to drop a deuce.

All the hallways in the ruins have windows at each side and the hallway is coated in a white plaster that reflects light so you can have a well lit living area all day long without electricity.

The highest point!
After leaving the ruins you aren't done yet! There is still a really awesome museum that showcases the artifacts removed from the tombs and some of the stonework removed from the sides of the ruins.

The tomb of the really important Mayan guy.

It was massive!

 On the way back down to the parking lot there are some really pretty waterfalls and wildlife.
Leafcutter ants being bitching awesome.

Look at us being all pretty together.

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